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Asset Exchange: Fabric with Fabric

One Fabric network transfers a bond from Alice to Bob in exchange for a transfer of tokens from Bob to Alice in the other network Ensure that one of the following chaincodes have been deployed in both networks:

  • simpleasset
  • simpleassetandinterop
  • simpleassettransfer

Run the following steps:

The hash used in following steps can be replaced by any valid SHA256 hash.
  1. Navigate to either the samples/fabric/fabric-cli folder (for the Node.js version) or the samples/fabric/go-cli folder (for the Golang version) in your clone of the Weaver repository.
  2. Run the following to verify the status of the assets owned by alice and bob in the two networks:
    ./scripts/ 2
  3. Complete the asset exchange in either of the two different ways:
    • Using a single command:
      • Run the following to trigger exchange of bond bond01:a03 owned by alice in network1 with 100 units of tokens token1 owned by bob in network2:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange-all --network1=network1 --network2=network2 --secret=secrettext --timeout-duration=100 alice:bond01:a03:bob:token1:100
      • To verify that bob now owns a bond in exchange for alice owning some tokens, run the following:
        ./scripts/ 2
    • Using step-by-step commands:
      • Generate Secret-Hash Pair using following command (prints hash in base64):
        ./bin/fabric-cli hash --hash_fn=SHA256 secrettext
      • Run the following to trigger alice locking bond01:a03 for bob in network1
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange lock --timeout-duration=3600 --locker=alice --recipient=bob --hashBase64=ivHErp1x4bJDKuRo6L5bApO/DdoyD/dG0mAZrzLZEIs= --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
      • Run the following to verify alice's lock:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange is-locked --locker=alice --recipient=bob --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
      • Run the following to trigger bob locking 100 units of token1 for alice in network2:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange lock --fungible --timeout-duration=1800 --locker=bob --recipient=alice --hashBase64=ivHErp1x4bJDKuRo6L5bApO/DdoyD/dG0mAZrzLZEIs= --target-network=network2 --param=token1:100
        Note the contract-id printed as output in above command. The output line containing contract-id (text in base64 after Contract Id:) would like this:
        ℹ Fungible Asset Locked with Contract Id: E0JZq8Z+eS//2Bt4WU0pU210MvNgDC2hdUT1RgszOq0=, preimage: null, hashvalue: ivHErp1x4bJDKuRo6L5bApO/DdoyD/dG0mAZrzLZEIs=
      • Run the following to verify bob's lock:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange is-locked --fungible --locker=bob --recipient=alice --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id>
      • Run the following to trigger alice's claim for 100 units of token1 locked by bob in network2:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange claim --fungible --recipient=alice --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id> --secret=<hash-pre-image>
      • Run the following to trigger bob's claim for bond01:a03 locked by alice in network1:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange claim --recipient=bob --locker=alice --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03 --secret=<hash-pre-image>
      The above steps complete a successful asset exchange between two Fabric networks. In addition to the above commands, following commands can be run if specified timeout has expired and the locked asset remains unclaimed.
      • If alice wants to unlock the bond asset, run the following to trigger alice's re-claim for bond01:a03 locked in network1:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange unlock --locker=alice --recipient=bob --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
      • If bob wants to unlock the token asset, run the following to trigger bob's re-claim for token1:100 locked in network2:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange unlock --fungible --locker=bob --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id>