User Administration Transaction
We can create, update, and delete users of the Orion cluster using the user administration transaction. By issuing a POST /user/tx {txPayload}
, we can carry out user administration.
In this document, we present examples for:
Note that all user administration transactions must be submitted by the admin.
It is recommended to start a fresh Orion server for executing these examples. Otherwise, you must carefully change the block number specified as
part of the version in the read-set of the transaction payload. This document explains this issue in detail. Once a fresh Orion server is started
after removing the ledger
directory, create two databases named db1
and db2
. Refer here
for an example cURL
command for creating databases named db1
and db2
1) Adding Users
1.1) Adding users alice
and bob
When the cluster is started for the first time, it contains only the admin user specified in the config.yml
. This admin user can add any other user to the cluster.
In the below example, the admin user is adding two users named alice
and bob
with certain privileges. The crypto materials associated with alice
and bob
be found in /deployment/sample/crypto
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "TxTimeout: 10s" \
--data '{
"payload": {
"user_id": "admin",
"tx_id": "7b6d6414-9b58-45d0-9723-1f31712add01",
"user_writes": [
"user": {
"id": "alice",
"privilege": {
"db_permission": {
"db1": 0,
"db2": 1
"user": {
"id": "bob",
"privilege": {
"db_permission": {
"db1": 0,
"db2": 0
"acl": {
"read_users": {
"admin": true
"signature": "MEUCIHLCSwMzwxmnRfB6s1eON2bMfgDwFvxoSqaZ6ACXcbn0AiEA8KhjY56tSRg9Hh9UGchhGybTV2rWl1NcsAPLyW71Vu8="
The user alice
has read-only access on the database db1
and read-write access on the database db2
. These privileges are defined under db_permission
The "db1":0
denotes that the user has read-only privilege on database db1
while "db2":1
denotes that the user has read-write privilege on database db2
In other words, 0
denotes read-only privilege and 1
denotes read-write privilege. As the access control is not defined for the user,
any user can read the credential and privilege of alice
, but only the admin
user can modify the properties of the alice
The user bob
has read-only privilege on the database db1
and db2
. Furthermore, only the admin
user can read the credential and privilege of bob
Moreover, the user bob
cannot be modified as the "read_write_users"
section is left empty. This means no user has permission to write to user bob
The signature for the above transaction payload is computed by executing the following command:
/bin/signer -privatekey=deployment/sample/crypto/admin/admin.key \
Upon a successful commit of the above transaction, the submitter of the transaction receives the following transaction receipt:
"response": {
"header": {
"node_id": "bdb-node-1"
"receipt": {
"header": {
"base_header": {
"number": 4,
"previous_base_header_hash": "gc2T0zndfbSAsw9J/67Pzjk1IAVBjE9Ih93qjwYro1k=",
"last_committed_block_hash": "eUxPHg5TFfTU3CRmYISAHDPI6DRHxbiQccaeytl4WBk=",
"last_committed_block_num": 3
"skipchain_hashes": [
"tx_merkle_tree_root_hash": "5nu+kdyEzZOIcy6qDDCls+GSRKK0aRdp6lbZJBUnZJQ=",
"state_merkle_tree_root_hash": "milzir+V4vvodu+e2BPv/j5XKlh6SfJmy3cRsBlJttw=",
"validation_info": [
"signature": "MEYCIQDxAuuukwThUp5ytZikobfQ0iBLMYLI6TRoK7322eNuqAIhAI5SkomPRnxH0K3iF6xqNFJUCgTHVuyelFgb9u1B4a8D"
1.2) Check the existence of alice
Once the transaction gets committed, we can query the user information as follows:
Let's fetch the user alice
./bin/signer -privatekey=deployment/sample/crypto/admin/admin.key \
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "UserID: admin" \
-H "Signature: MEYCIQDioRVRhtdaLEjFSeCPqrVCCtdwq+hvy7Y+i3cXaqhZ3wIhAK/gmdftR4x0KF3w8V86hSYXPehf/rlO8QcSnU9sFnvC" \
-X GET | jq .
"response": {
"header": {
"node_id": "bdb-node-1"
"user": {
"id": "alice",
"privilege": {
"db_permission": {
"db1": 0,
"db2": 1
"metadata": {
"version": {
"block_num": 4
"signature": "MEYCIQDY3OV2xzqe22X7PzO6UIeDY6t3Qn7DcMk5z/G8SGshvQIhAN8DnATYxIQyoj3jPufgoHuOJDTCnvpEj4kF0WtLHGRq"
1.3) Check the existence of bob
Let's fetch the user bob
./bin/signer -privatekey=deployment/sample/crypto/admin/admin.key -data='{"user_id":"admin","target_user_id":"bob"}'
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "UserID: admin" \
-H "Signature: MEQCICeSXCL6Atyf3hgbd0XtC4L6HT0qXTxLyvUslAv5pYMqAiAxirniW1NW1lS2pUT8G0XeWYUhUKCjjWlq6WTuGAOxEQ==" \
-X GET | jq .
"response": {
"header": {
"node_id": "bdb-node-1"
"user": {
"id": "bob",
"privilege": {
"db_permission": {
"db1": 0
"metadata": {
"version": {
"block_num": 4
"access_control": {
"read_users": {
"admin": true
"signature": "MEUCIEuGxnvi2nwzJ1AZdUBhFBkOkv26kOupKZbCgt03S85zAiEAwiyE1xJEl0F9Kx/CyylKP6dogKrcNRiVXMJcqknrOE4="
2) Updating a User
2.1) Remove all privileges of alice
Let's remove all privileges given to alice
. To do that, we can execute the following steps:
- Fetch the current committed information of the user
. - Remove the privilege section and construct the transaction payload.
- Add the digital signature on the new transaction payload.
- Submit the transaction payload by issuing a
POST /user/tx {txPayload}
Though we can update multiple users within a transaction, for the sake of simplicity in this example, we are only updating a single user, alice
Important for Successful Execution of this Example: The
section in the below transaction payload contains a version of the read information. If this does not match the committed version, the transaction would be invalidated. This is useful because thealice
user can be updated by any other admin between step 1 and 2 listed above. To ensure serializability isolation, we must pass the read version. In our example, we use the version present in this returned result. To be specific, we can see the version in the metadata section of the query result as shown below:"metadata": {
"version": {
"block_num": 3
}This version might be different for you. Hence, provide the appropriate version number in the transaction payload and compute the digital signature.
The user_reads
section states you should commit this transaction only if the users specified in the user_reads
list are at a specified version as per the current committed state. Otherwise, invalidate the transaction and do not apply the changes requested by the transaction.
Note that it is not necessary to pass the version in
. If theuser_reads
is left out, the write would be considered as a blind write.
Within a single transaction, we can update more than a single user. For the sake of simplicity, the example updates a single user only.
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "TxTimeout: 2s" \
--data '{
"payload": {
"user_id": "admin",
"tx_id": "1b6d6414-9b58-45d0-9723-1f31712add02",
"user_reads": [
"user_id": "alice",
"version": {
"block_num": 3
"user_writes": [
"user": {
"id": "alice",
"signature": "MEUCIDTrlQ8fKu2ZeVWincE8RzWd/Y/MWjZGHEu37EckcTFnAiEA/kmKAOc2LK2GHFIA1wU+9/oog0Nqj3GLYPjSFGCeOOk="
In the above transaction, we removed the privilege section from the user information (compare against the query result provided here). The signature is computed using the following command:
./bin/signer -privatekey=deployment/sample/crypto/admin/admin.key -data='{"user_id":"admin","tx_id":"1b6d6414-9b58-45d0-9723-1f31712add02","user_reads":[{"user_id":"alice","version":{"block_num":3}}],"user_writes":[{"user":{"id":"alice","certificate":"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"}}]}'
2.2) Check the privilege of alice
Once the transaction get committed, we can query the user information as follows to check whether all privileges given to the alice
user have been removed:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "UserID: admin" \
-H "Signature: MEYCIQDioRVRhtdaLEjFSeCPqrVCCtdwq+hvy7Y+i3cXaqhZ3wIhAK/gmdftR4x0KF3w8V86hSYXPehf/rlO8QcSnU9sFnvC" \
-X GET | jq .
"response": {
"header": {
"node_id": "bdb-node-1"
"user": {
"id": "alice",
"metadata": {
"version": {
"block_num": 5
"signature": "MEYCIQDY3OV2xzqe22X7PzO6UIeDY6t3Qn7DcMk5z/G8SGshvQIhAN8DnATYxIQyoj3jPufgoHuOJDTCnvpEj4kF0WtLHGRq"
As we can see, the privilege section is no longer present and the version has been increased too.
3) Deleting a User
3.1) Delete the user alice
Let's delete alice
from the cluster. In order to do that, we execute the following steps:
- Fetch the current committed information of the
user to get the committed version. - Add the committed version to the
. - Add the
user to theuser_deletes
. - Compute and add the digital signature to the transaction payload.
- Submit the transaction payload by issuing a
POST /user/tx {txPayload}
The example uses "block_num": 4
as the version. While executing this example, query the user alice
and use the version provided in the output of that query.
Refer here for the query result of alice
after being updated. In the query result, we have
"metadata": {
"version": {
"block_num": 4
Hence, this example uses "block_num": 4
as the version.
Note that it is not necessary to pass the version in
. If theuser_reads
is left out, the delete would be considered as a blind delete. For blind deletes, steps 1 and 2 are not needed.
Within a single transaction, we can delete more than a single user. For the sake of simplicity, the example deletes a single user only.
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "TxTimeout: 2s" \
--data '{
"payload": {
"user_id": "admin",
"tx_id": "1b6d6414-9b58-45d0-9723-1f31712add04",
"user_reads": [
"user_id": "alice",
"version": {
"block_num": 4
"user_deletes": [
"user_id": "alice"
"signature": "MEQCID1O2vmSxgzJT8KNMws/ckV1oIf1R4oml6aWeZNzvjI9AiAphdfNAn+VKCJPPh+d0oW4/MH+cXy4xwQXXU5FQ8LpMQ=="
The section user_deletes
is an array and we can pass many users in it if we want, and all will be deleted if they exist.
The signature on the payload is computed using the following command:
./bin/signer -privatekey=deployment/sample/crypto/admin/admin.key -data='{"user_id":"admin","tx_id":"1b6d6414-9b58-45d0-9723-1f31712add04","user_reads":[{"user_id":"alice","version":{"block_num":4}}],"user_deletes":[{"user_id":"alice"}]}'
Once the transaction is validated and committed, the submitter of the transaction receives the following transaction receipt:
"response": {
"header": {
"node_id": "bdb-node-1"
"receipt": {
"header": {
"base_header": {
"number": 7,
"previous_base_header_hash": "+KCuJm2x9LzsIBFmAVkW6w/Hmw7IRjl52aZjNI7juR8=",
"last_committed_block_hash": "7nEaUCRBiGvmrhbhl7tzupb0K/KjGdS/SSJtCLjvsjA=",
"last_committed_block_num": 6
"skipchain_hashes": [
"tx_merkle_tree_root_hash": "iz84iY89BolcBkVD8okAAqg5duGT/+eivcTO4OcpnNM=",
"state_merkle_tree_root_hash": "tAb0KTsd9JgCQ1YZMwYLs2O3wpo0ynA7h22B8pKzBC0=",
"validation_info": [
"signature": "MEUCIGWLKxgnxwlznZyBbKbpiFcnbUv32CbkBaFitOxEWnSMAiEAqcNh9pswgvF7f1leWrteozij2zSlG78gcfP5+eAfHhA="
3.2) Check the non-existence of the user alice
If we query the user, the response does not contain any details associated with the user.
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "UserID: admin" \
-H "Signature: MEYCIQDioRVRhtdaLEjFSeCPqrVCCtdwq+hvy7Y+i3cXaqhZ3wIhAK/gmdftR4x0KF3w8V86hSYXPehf/rlO8QcSnU9sFnvC" \
-X GET | jq .
"response": {
"header": {
"node_id": "bdb-node-1"
"signature": "MEUCIDV6UgjPLtM5c+WqQ+Ue5xcKe/w85nAdwwRl7qPqJByVAiEA4RTqXa8Xf8S+O8YPRpFgIHzOCH5jOHkL2jMmLG7Zdpw="