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Query User Information

Querying the User Information

Users can query information about other users or about themselves. If the access control is defined for the user entry, it would be enforced during the query. User information can be retrieved by issuing a GET request on the /user/{userid} endpoint, where {userid} should be replaced with the ID of the user whose information needs to be fetched.

Here, the submitting user needs to sign the {"user_id":"<submitting_user_id>","target_user_id":"<target_user_id"}, where <submitting_user_id> denotes the ID of the user who is submitting the query and <target_user_id> denotes the ID of the user whose information needs to be fetched.

In our config.yml, we have an admin entry with the ID admin. Hence, we do a self query. In our example, the submitting user admin wants to fetch its own information and hence, the following data needs to be signer {"user_id":"admin","target_user_id":"admin"} as follows:

./bin/signer -privatekey=deployment/sample/crypto/admin/admin.key -data='{"user_id":"admin","target_user_id":"admin"}'

The above command would produce a digital signature and prints it as a base64-encoded string as shown below:


Once the signature is computed, we can issue a GET request using the following cURL command by setting the above signature string in the Signature header.

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "UserID: admin" \
-H "Signature: MEQCIB6NmOvgUvYwRLBAFz/OovrGRfhnwbxMwFb4+Dniano6AiBbObFcC6Cv/wcBLXzDf3pG0zybHTSA5ksMGCusfAridw==" \
-X GET | jq .

A sample output of the above command is shown below.

"response": {
"header": {
"node_id": "bdb-node-1"
"user": {
"id": "admin",
"privilege": {
"admin": true
"metadata": {
"version": {
"block_num": 1
"signature": "MEUCIQDN7DAo/2drpnQYB9lonKcqNQRjRooARhw1D+aSZgOhyAIgbAbofC016zyBcccu6BRfwSrYDbQnekbSu9lJVR1FCOw="