Proof of Existence of a State/Data
State proof example
Below is a simple code snippet that shows how to use the ledger API to generate a state existence proof:
Please note: For presentation purposes, all results and error handling, except proofs, were eliminated. Ledger connectivity proof is eliminated here as well. For details and an example, see here and here.
blockNum := 5
db := "db2"
key := "key2"
value := "this is a second value"
db, err := bcdb.Create(conConf)
session, err := db.Session(&c.SessionConfig)
ledger, err := session.Ledger()
// Get data proof for <db, key> at block blockNum and validate it
dataProof, err := ledger.GetDataProof(blockNum, db, key, false)
// Calculating <db, key, value> tuple hash
compositeKey, err := state.ConstructCompositeKey(db, key)
kvHash, err := state.CalculateKeyValueHash(compositeKey, []byte(value))
// Validation proof
res, err := dataProof.Verify(kvHash, blockHeader.GetStateMerkleTreeRootHash(), false)
if !res {
fmt.Printf("DB-Key-Value tuple (%s, %s, %s) at time of block %d is not part of ledger\n", db, key, value, txReceipt.Header.BaseHeader.Number)