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Transaction Merkle Tree

Merkle tree

From Wikipedia: โ€œA Merkle tree is a tree in which every leaf node is labeled with the cryptographic hash of a data block, and every non-leaf node is labeled with the cryptographic hash of the labels of its child nodes.โ€ Merkle tree

  • In the blockchain world, Merkle trees are usually used to verify the existence and validity of transactions in a block.
  • Thanks to the tree properties, to prove a specific transaction existence in a block, there's no need to expose the rest of the block transactions, just the content of the transaction itself and the list of log(N) hashes.
  • Usually, only the Merkle tree root hash is exposed to end-user.

Merkle tree proof example

Here is an example of proof generation and verification, based on an example treetree

  • To prove that Tx3 is part of the block Merkle tree with root B3.. , we need Tx3, its hash โ€“ 15.. and 78.. (hash of sibling transaction), A2.. (sibling in Merkle tree), and F5.. (sibling in Merkle tree).

  • So, the final proof is {15.., 78.., A2.., F5.., B3..}

  • Proof validation: hash(hash(hash(15.. || 78..) || A2..) || F5..) == B3..

  • This is the exact structure we used to prove a specific transaction's existence in a block.

  • We store only the Merkle tree root hash as part of the block header and recalculate the tree on demand.

Orion Merkle tree API

Server side - Merkle tree implementation:

// Node struct keep data for Merkle tree node. For now, it is binary Merkle tree
type Node struct {

// BuildTreeForBlockTx builds Merkle tree from block transactions.
// Each data leaf addressed by its index inside block
func BuildTreeForBlockTx(block *types.Block) (*Node, error)

// Proof calculate intermediate hashes between leaf with given index and root (caller node)
func (n *Node) Proof(leafIndex int) ([][]byte, error) {
path, err := n.findPath(leafIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

Protobuf's transaction proof message:

message GetTxProofQuery {
string user_id = 1;
uint64 block_number = 2;
uint64 tx_index = 3;

message GetTxProofResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated bytes hashes = 2;

SDK side - Transaction proof validation:

type TxProof struct {
intermediateHashes [][]byte

func (p *TxProof) Verify(receipt *types.TxReceipt, tx proto.Message) (bool, error)