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Supporting different UTXO array sizes

Using ZK proofs presents a special challenge for supporting UTXO inputs and outputs that are of different sizes. For instance, a transaction proposal that consumes 1 UTXO, owned by Alice, but generates 3 UTXOs to be owned by Bob, Charlie and Alice, will require a different circuit for the proof than a transaction that consumes 2 UTXOs and generates 2 UTXOs.

different circuits Using different array sizes for the input signals require different verification circuits

This is because a ZKP circuit must always perform the exact same computation. Therefore, if there are arrays in the input signals, the size of the arrays must be known at compile time.

same circuit Using the same array sizes for the input signals require the same verification circuit

For all Zeto token implementations, two sizes are chosen for the circuits: 2 and 10.

Size = 2

For example, the following top-level circuit is for the token implementation Zeto_Anon,

[file: zkp/circuits/anon.circom]
include "./basetokens/anon_base.circom";

component main { public [ inputCommitments, outputCommitments ] } = Zeto(2, 2);

The Zeto(2, 2) part provides fixed values for the parameterized circuit template from basetokens/anon_base.circom, which looks like this,

template Zeto(nInputs, nOutputs) {
  signal input inputCommitments[nInputs];
  signal input inputValues[nInputs];
  signal input inputSalts[nInputs];
  signal input outputCommitments[nOutputs];
  signal input outputValues[nOutputs];
  signal input outputSalts[nOutputs];
  signal input outputOwnerPublicKeys[nOutputs][2];


The parameterized template support different array sizes for both the inputs and outputs, but for the final circuit to be compiled, we set the size to 2 for both the inputs and outputs. This corresponds to the Solidity function in the token implementation:

function transfer(
  uint256[] memory inputs,
  uint256[] memory outputs,
  Commonlib.Proof calldata proof,
  bytes calldata data
) public returns (bool) { ... }

When a transaction calls this function with inputs and outputs sizes of 1 or 2, the Solidity code will pad the arrays to size 2, and use the verifier library generated from the above circuit (Zeto(2, 2)) to verify the proof.

Size = 10

To support array size of 10 in the input signals, we simply set the size parameters to 10 in the top-level circuit:

[file: zkp/circuits/anon_batch.circom]
include "./basetokens/anon_base.circom";

component main { public [ inputCommitments, outputCommitments ] } = Zeto(10, 10);