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Dedicated nodes

By default, the k8s builder does not implement any Kubernetes node scheduling strategies.

The FABRIC_K8S_BUILDER_NODE_ROLE environment variable can be used to schedule chaincode on dedicated Kubernetes nodes. Chaincode pods will be configured with an affinity for nodes with the fabric-builder-k8s-role=<node_role> label, and will tolerate nodes with the fabric-builder-k8s-role=<node_role>:NoSchedule taint.

For example, if FABRIC_K8S_BUILDER_NODE_ROLE is set to chaincode, use the following kubectl commands to configure a dedicated chaincode node ccnode.

kubectl label nodes ccnode fabric-builder-k8s-role=chaincode
kubectl taint nodes ccnode fabric-builder-k8s-role=chaincode:NoSchedule

More complex requirements should be handled with Dynamic Admission Control using a Mutating Webhook. For example, you could use a webhook to assign node affinity and tolerations to all pods in a chaincode namespace.